Comparison Information System Model


Many people or associations struggle with their management information system and database maintenance. The primary problem is decide the model of information system they’ll apply. There’re some model for information system that commonly used. Every model has some advantages and disadvantages.
Centralized Information System
·         Advantages
            This model has several benefits for database processing and maintenance. There are :
1.      Data Integrity
The greatest benefits of centralizing an associations data management is data integrity. One of the cardinal rules of database design is that no redundancy is allowed. It’s mean, that no piece of single data that should ever process repeatedly. When an assn Operating multiple database for the same group (example : a membership database with a separate meeting registration database), it’s definitely breaking the rule. A centralized database means that each member has one primary record, with primary contact information.
2.      Valuable broad marketing info/history
When we apply a centralized database, it’s easier to develop , maintain , and check all activity in our database system. With multiple database, records need to be matched, de-duping need to be occur, and the opportunity for duplicate records must be increased.
3.      Reduce the training process (cost saving)
Centralized system is different with multiple system. All processes (membership, meetings, products, etc) are in the same database. So, the users need only learn one database system. And it’s make the user easier to handle the system management.
4.      Support
In centralized system, support is focused on a single system. But, in the multiple database, even if “they” are built on the same platform, “they” need a separate support.

·         Disadvantages
There are several less point of centralized system.
1.      Centralized system entail a high cost disadvantage
The information system professional who install and operate such system are also expensive. The bureaucracy and inflexibilyty of system can increase the cost.  One central system carrying out all the requested task, it cause the system going to be much slower than a decentrlized system where each system unit has its own autonomous system for local tasks.
2.      High risk fails
In the centralized system independent processing is not allowed. All task is handle by one CPU in centralized processes. If the CPU fails, the entire system is inoperable.

Decentralized Information System
·         Advantages
1.      Decentralized system gives autonomy
Decentralized system gives autonomy over the resources without any major considerations.
2.      Flexibility
3.      Reliability
On decentralized system, reliability is the greatest advantage because multiple computer system are involved. If one computer system fails, the system or at least part of it will still be able to operate.

·         Disadvantages
In this case, decentralized system also has several less point.
1.      Decentralized systems lack a centralized control.
It can be very disadvantageous as conflicting ideas arise and clashes in policy lead to delay and inefficiency. In the other side, the one vendor may not support all many different components of the overall systems.

Client Sever Information System
·         Advantages
1.      Dependency on the System
Client-to-Server network operating systems depend on the operating system to function. When the server get down or malfunction, the system is getting inoperable. . Peer-to-peer systems have the advantage of an existing operating system for each computer linked into the network to depend on so each computer can function easily as a separate unit. For information storage, all data save in the client server and manage in the centralized system.
2.      Versatility
New technology is easily integrated into client-to-server network connections as the operating system is controlled centrally. Of course when this new technology is integrated into the system, a given staff must then be trained to use the new technology which can be time consuming and have a few pitfalls as workers integrate the new system into existing protocols. Peer-to-peer systems depend largely on existing software platforms installed on computers linked to the network and while systems for the entire network cannot be changed, each user is able to customize a work station to optimize personal efficiency.
·         Disadvantages
1.      Expensive Cost
Client to Server System is equal with an expensive cost.
2.      Congestion Network System
To many request from client to server can rise congestion. The overload of request can brakeing-down the server.
3.      It’s not Robust
Client-Server model is not robust. Because, when the server fais, all syatem is going to be down.
4.      Great resource requirement
We need Professional IT to maintain the servers an all of technical problem..

Source :
* Centralized versus Decentralized Information Systems in Organizations , Melissa Beck , LI805XR Spring 2010 , Emporia State University

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